felixtanhm's Odin Projects 📖


This folder stores the projects that were completed as part of the Full Stack Javascript section of The Odin Project’s curriculum.



Course Topics
Git Rebasing, Remotes, Pulling and Merging
HTML Emmet, SVG, Tables, Semantic HTML, Accessibility
CSS Advanced Selectors, CSS Functions, CSS Properties, Grid, Responsive Design
Animations Transforms, Transitions, Keyframes
Forms Form Basics, HTML Validations, Validations with Javascript
Javascript Organisation Objects & Constructors, Classes, Factory Functions, Module Patterns, ES6, JSON, OOP Principles
Async Javascript & APIs Callbacks, Promises, Fetch, Async / Await,
Testing Testing Basics, TDD, Jest
Computer Science Recursive Methods, Time Complexity, Space Complexity, Hashmaps, Common Data Structures & Algorithms
React Basics JSX, Components, Props, Keys, Conditional Rendering
React State Event Handlers, useState, Data Binding, Lifting State
React Hooks ID & Refs, Side Effects, Custom Hooks, Data Fetching, Memoization
React Component Design Prop Delegation, Forwarding Refs, Context, Modals, Component Libraries
NodeJS Global Object, Modules & Require, File System, Domains & Ports, Requests & Responses, Events & Event Loop, Routing, Status Codes, Redirects, NPM
Express Middleware, Models, View Templates, Controllers, CRUD, MongoDB, Mongoose, EJS
Authentication & Security  
Express Testing  

Curriculum Projects

With the exception of styling and additional noted features, most projects have been left as is. Any additional features implemented are noted in the project’s README, and are not typically required by the project specifications in The Odin Project. This is typically noted by the ⭐ Rating column.

This is to accurately reflect my knowledge of web development at the point of tackling the project for visitors to this repository. Future learners of The Odin Project will also be able to see what is a fair expectation of the finished project.

Rating Definitions:

Project Topic(s) Repository Preview Rating
Sign-up Form Forms Code Demo
Admin Dashboard CSS Grid Code Demo  
Library Objects and Object constructors, OOP Code Demo -
Tic Tac Toe Factory functions and module patterns Code Demo ⭐⭐
Restaurant Page ES6 modules, Webpack Code WIP  
Todo List SOLID principles WIP WIP  
Weather App Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs Code WIP  
Recursion Recursion Code -  
Linked Lists Data structures and algorithms WIP -  
HashMap Data structures and algorithms WIP -  
Binary Search Trees Data structures and algorithms WIP -  
Knights Travails Data structures and algorithms WIP -  
Testing Practice Test Driven Development Code -  
Battleship Test Driven Development WIP WIP  
CV Application React WIP WIP  
Memory Card React Hooks WIP WIP  
Shopping Cart React Router, UI testing WIP WIP  
Basic Informational Site Basic Node.js, Express Code Demo  
Mini Message Board Basic Express, EJS, MVC Code Demo
Forms and Deployment Express, Mongoose, EJS, Form-handling Code WIP  
Inventory Application Express, Mongoose WIP WIP  
Members Only Authentication, sessions, cookies WIP WIP  
Messaging App Full-stack WIP WIP  
Odin-Book Final project WIP WIP  

Reflections & Thoughts